In 28 years of my life, I’ve never seen anything like this. A virus literally scaring the shit out of people, forcing them to stay in the confines of their homes. The only living creatures I haven’t seen wearing protective masks these days have been mosquitoes and birds. Such has been the terror of the Coronavirus. Ever since the disease has been declared a pandemic by the WHO, people have been washing their hands day and night. The sales of sanitizers have gone through the roof, forcing people to consider “selling alcoholic sanitizers” as an alternative career option. Panic and misinformation have been spreading like wildfire and people are finding it tough to stay positive during lockdown. In this atmosphere of negativity, fear, and uncertainty, let me show you the bright side of the situation by discussing the 10 positive impacts of Coronavirus.
What Is Coronavirus? What Is COVID-19?
Before discussing the positive impacts of Coronavirus let us understand what is the coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can jump from animals to humans, causing illnesses ranging from common colds to severe diseases like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
The fact that they are transmitted between animals and humans makes them “zoonotic” in nature.

The current crisis that we all are facing is because of a particular new coronavirus (which wasn’t previously detected in humans) called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2.
This coronavirus was discovered in 2019 and therefore, the disease caused by it is called coronavirus disease or COVID-19, a name that was given by WHO on 11th February 2020.
If reports are to be believed, then the virus apparently originated from the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China.
You can read the symptoms of COVID -19 here. The various ways of preventing the coronavirus infection are mentioned here.
10 Positive Impacts Of Coronavirus
We’ve seen and experienced the damage inflicted by Coronavirus throughout the world but there are also a few positive changes that have happened as a result of the pandemic. Here’s me listing the 10 positive impacts of Coronavirus :
1. Reduced Air And Water Pollution
The drastic measures taken by China and Italy to curb the spread of coronavirus have resulted in a dramatic reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions, as seen from the satellite data shared by NASA and European Space Agency (ESA).

Because people are staying at home and factories are shut, the vehicular and industrial pollution have reduced rapidly, resulting in vastly improved quality of air and water in these countries.
According to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine, an increase in air pollution contributes to faster, premature deaths in humans. It implies that better air quality saves people from dying prematurely.
In fact, Marshall Burke, an assistant professor at Stanford’s Department of Earth System Science, said that the reduction in air pollution due to the economic disturbance (caused by the COVID-19 pandemic) has effectively saved 50,000-75,000 people from dying prematurely in China.
Now that’s 20 times more lives saved than those that have been lost due to the coronavirus disease in China.
Italy (which has reported the second-highest number of coronavirus cases after China) has seen a sharp decline in the nitrogen dioxide emissions too, ever since the Italian prime minister ordered a nationwide lockdown to fight the COVID-19 threat.

The water quality in Venice (Italy) has also greatly improved due to the complete shutdown of tourist activities. With the absence of tourist gondolas and pollution causing cruise ships, the Grand canal has received a new lease of life.
The canal has become so clear that dolphins have been spotted in the crystal clear Venetian waters, as per reports from Global News. The piece of news was later debunked as false by National Geographic. Nevertheless, the fact that the news went viral suggests that people want to look at the positive side of the situation which, in these troubled times, is a win!
2. More Quality Time With Family
Let’s face it. We’re all guilty of running after our ambition. We devote the majority of our time to our jobs and in the process, neglect our families.
However, with the governments instructing people to stay at home due to the coronavirus situation, we’re indirectly getting to spend more quality time with our families.

Be it bonding over household chores or playing board games, people are suddenly realizing that their family members are lovely people and not as intolerable as they had assumed.
“I have too much work on my plate so can’t catch up” is no longer an excuse as even those staying away from home are connecting with their families through video calls. Work is taking a backseat for once and “family” is finally getting the importance it deserves.
3. People Are Understanding The Importance Of Hygiene
Because COVID-19 is mostly transmitted through physical contact with an infected person or contact with a contaminated surface, governments worldwide have instructed people to keep their hands clean – either by regularly washing them with soap or by using an alcoholic sanitizer.

People are understanding the importance of self-hygiene as they are aware that negligence on their part can spread the virus which threatens to wipe out the entire human race.
As a result, people are not just staying clean themselves but are also keeping their surroundings clean by disinfecting the surfaces which they touch regularly.
Strangely, it took a pandemic like COVID-19 for the world to shift to a healthier lifestyle.
4. Terrorists Are Cancelling Attacks In Europe
Out of the 10 positive impacts of Coronavirus, this one is my favourite. And no, I’m not joking! ISIS recently issued the ‘Al-Naba’ newsletter containing “sharia directives” warning it’s members against travel to Europe for jihad.

The newsletter instructs the followers of ISIS to stay away from sick people, “cover their mouths while yawning and sneezing” and to wash their hands regularly. It also says that the “healthy should not enter the land of the epidemic (Europe) and the afflicted should not exit from it”.
The Middle-East based terror outfit is scared for the lives of it’s operatives and has strictly advised them to steer clear of the coronavirus-hit Europe.
With terrorists scared of contracting the virus in a crowd, the world’s a safer place for the others. You can read the verified report here.
5. Reduced Carbon Footprint
Many international political conferences, music concerts, big sporting events have been cancelled due to the coronavirus scare. Now what that’s done is that it’s slashed the use of fossil fuels tremendously, reducing our carbon footprint.

Even business meetings, public events, exams, and travel trips are being cancelled or going virtual, reducing the number of cars on the roads and flights in the skies. This has helped us reduce the carbon dioxide emissions which are responsible for global warming.

Our biocapacity (the productive area that can regenerate the goods which humans demand from nature) is finally being able to effectively neutralize the “reduced fossil fuel emission”, thereby helping us fight climate change.
By reducing the greenhouse gas emissions, the coronavirus disease is acting as a “cooling agent” for our planet. We are also reducing our ecological footprint in the bargain.
6. Positive Impact Of Coronavirus On Digital Streaming Service Revenues
With people mostly staying indoors due to the coronavirus outbreak, “Netflix and chill” has become the most popular option as far as entertainment is concerned.

People are increasingly using streaming platforms like Netflix and Youtube to binge-watch their favourite shows and kill boredom. As a result, digital streaming services like Netflix and Youtube are seeing significant growth in their stock prices and ad revenues.
In fact, to meet the increased demand for streaming, Netflix is lowering it’s video streaming quality throughout Europe for a month to reduce the strain on internet service providers. Youtube is also reducing the quality of it’s videos in the European Union, switching the video settings to “standard definition” by default.
7. Helping The Fight Against Fake Currency
Since we know that the coronavirus spreads through contact with an infected person or a contaminated surface, what would be the easiest way of transmitting the virus on a large scale? Guess?
Answer – The exchange of currency notes!

Due to the fear of contracting the virus, people, as a safety measure, are using either mobile payment options (Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay) or their bank’s internet banking feature for making all their purchases.
This “contactless and cashless” way of making purchases/sales is involuntarily aiding the government’s fight against fake currency as no counterfeit notes are being circulated among people.
8. Meteoric Growth Of Tech Companies
While businesses and stock markets are plummeting, video conferencing tech company “Zoom” is benefitting immensely from the ‘work from home‘ policy. The positive impact of coronavirus can be seen from the fact that the company’s shares are already up by 74% this year.

Corporate workers, teachers, students, influencers, religious practitioners, therapists, yoga gurus, etc., are all using the Zoom app to get their work done.
By facilitating business meetings, student meetups, and webinars, Zoom is making home office, home schools, and web training a new reality.
Other tech companies that are making profits due to office closures are Slack, RingCentral and Citrix. Cisco owned Webex which is popular for making video-conferencing applications is also seeing a spike in traffic ever since companies have ordered their employees to work from home.
9. Hope From The Governments
Governments across the world are taking stringent measures to prevent loss of life from COVID-19. They are ordering lockdowns, curfews, shutting down tourism, advising people to practice proper self-hygiene and work from home.
For once, governments are placing human health above commerce. It gives us hope that if they have the right intent, then they can act on climate change, global warming, and over-tourism as well.

Climate change is real. And if we don’t take the necessary steps, then the future of the human race is doomed. We need to take inspiration from Greta Thunberg’s movement to fight climate change and make our industrialists, big corporations and governments accountable for our planet’s condition.
After all, it is our collective responsibility to leave behind a better world for our future generations.
10. Earth Is Healing As Humanity Is Humbled
Seeing the rate at which we humans have been exploiting the planet, a kick in the gut was needed. We needed to be reminded that we aren’t as powerful as we think we are and that nature’s the ultimate boss. Why do I say that? Let me explain.
Amazon rainforests burned but we didn’t learn our lesson. Australian bushfires happened but we still didn’t take nature’s protection seriously. Why would we? After all, it wasn’t affecting you or me.
Now that Coronavirus has literally knocked on our very own doors, we are taking all the necessary steps to avoid the disease, sitting at home and praying for the coronavirus mayhem to stop.

Ironically, while we’re locked in our homes, our planet is healing. Coincidence? I think not! Our ecosystems are rejuvenating– the air is getting purer, water is getting cleaner. All of this is happening because a virus brought humanity to it’s knees. Therefore, it’s safe to say that humans being put under lockdown is one of the most positive impacts of Coronavirus.
The COVID-19 pandemic teaches us how little and insignificant we are in the larger scheme of things. The faster we learn this lesson of humility, the better it will be for our existence in the future.
It’s high time we realize that if we fool around with the environment to fulfill our selfish desires and don’t live in harmony with nature, then nature will retaliate in a way that will erase the very proof of our existence on the planet.
In times like these, it’s very easy to lose hope, feel depressed or develop a cynical/negative attitude towards life. Ultimately, it’s our choice to either focus on fear and negativity or look on the bright side of the situation.
I chose the latter which is what got me writing a post on the 10 positive impacts of Coronavirus instead of concentrating on the damage inflicted by the COVID-19.

Pandemics like the COVID-19 give us a chance to sit back and reflect on our lives and our priorities. It’s a humbling reminder that we need to pay attention to the things that actually matter in life – our health, our families and our planet.
Hopefully, the lessons learned from this situation will not be forgotten once we’ve recovered from the pandemic and we’ll lead a lifestyle that’s planet positive!
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Interesting. I never thought of these good things.
Shared this on FB.
Thanks, David. After all, we all can do with some hope and positivity in these troubled times.
Very well said, it’s a lot better to see things from this point of view, have to admit:)
As the saying goes ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’
Yes! Optimism is the way to go. And I hope we learn our lessons from this phase so that we don’t have another such pandemic in the future keeping our greed and egos in check.
well studied and well informing article especially in this needed hour. Thank you
Your welcome Jos. Do share it with your social circles so that we can collaboratively spread positivity and hope in a time filled with uncertainty and fear.
Thank you. I’ve been really scared and feeling so down, I needed a bright spot. I appreciate this more than I can say.
You’re welcome Krysten. I know these are trying times but together we can overcome this situation too!
This virus is for sure giving Earth a break to breath and regenerate. It will make such a huge impact, with so many pollution agents stopping for at least 15 days. The water in Venice is indeed cleaner but there are no dolphins, that was a hoax debunked by National Geographic.
It’s funny that the moment we stay inside, the outside repairs itself. Tells you where the problem lies. With us. Also, dolphins and swans being spotted in the Venetian waters was as reported by the Guardian. I think I should mention that to avoid misunderstanding. Thanks Joanna!
I can see these. I do always try to look for the positives, so this is a great list.
Thank you Amber. I hope you and your family are safe.
I love that positive things are happening. It is a good thing to remain positive during this time
I just want the positives to continue post the pandemic.
I love your points about what this virus has brought in a positive matter. This planet is healing and this is much needed.
In fact Chantal I hope that a 1-week lockdown every 2 months is made mandatory so that nature gets a breather from time to time. We need to save the planet for our future generations.
I have been able to enjoy a few of these positive outlooks. I am pleasantly surprised by the Al Queda developments. And hopefully we will remember to think about and do the good things even when this is over and life gets “back to normal.”
I know right? A pandemic terrorizing the terrorists so much that they’re fearing to enter a continent. This is what happens when tables are turned on them I guess. And just like you, I too hope that we remember our lessons and don’t forget the good things we’ve learned during this phase.
I love how you’re turning a negative into a positive. Yes, it’s a very scary time for us all but look at the difference to the planet in just a few weeks!? Plus, although arguably stressed due to finances etc, people are being given the opportunity to practice self-care and recharge from a capitalist society.
True that Nyxie. Self-care is extremely important. The way we were abusing our bodies and minds in our quest to fulfill our ambition, we needed this imposed break to understand that there’s much more to life. I hope we’ll all come out as better people post the pandemic.
one thing i love about this pandemic we have right now is more and more families are coming together and spend quality time with each other…
I agree. People are slowly realizing that what truly matters in life is the company of loved ones and good health.
This illness outbreak has really shifted the world around. But like any other negative situation, finding the “positive” is key to staying sane.
Hit the nail on the head there Myrah. Only positivity can save us from this insanity.
Of all of these, the reduction of air & water pollution is so wonderful and important. Also, good hygiene is just as important. Lovely post there!
Thank you, Rachelle
This is a great post! I think we’re all so caught up in the ‘doom and gloom’ being painted by the mainstream media, that it’s easy to overlook the fact that there is ALWAYS a positive spin that can be taken with anything. Sure, that doesn’t negate the suffering and loss of life, but focusing on the positive (even for a moment) can help us get through these tough times.
Our will to live depends upon hope and positivity ultimately. So the human mind tries to catch on to every iota of good that can come from a negative situation like this. And when death and negativity surround us, then positives like these definitely calm our uncertain minds to a great extent.
It’s amazing that mother nature can start fixing its problems in several months. Humans will find a way to destroy it again once this virus passes
That’s what scares me. If we haven’t learnt our lesson and commit the same mistakes of the past, then it won’t be long before we’re hit with another life-changing phenomenon.
There is always a silver lining in every dark cloud, and the future is brighter for adopting a positive attitude.
There’s always hope of a better tomorrow.
Yes, I have to agree with you as I see so many positive things that have happened since the pandemic. I especially like the fact that governments have given financial supports to businesses and employees. Hopefully, the department of labour encourages more jobs and entrepreneurship that involves working remotely.
Technologies are being developed to make even call centres a “work from home” set-up. I’m worried about the daily wagers and labourers in my country who depend on their everyday work for their next meal. The Indian govt. has taken many initiatives and declared packages to help them but I hope the money reaches them in time. Imagine sitting at home due to Coronavirus, only to die of hunger first. What use would the social distancing and isolation be then?
In short we can say that not only the earth is healing but also the we have starting becoming less materialistic.
Exactly! We’re coming to terms that all that running behind goals and a materialistic lifestyle is meaningless. It’s time spent with family and good health that matters at the end of the day.
Thank you for your post. It felt good to read all the positive aspects of Covid-19. It is very ironical that so much good can come from such a dreadful disease. I hope we humans realise the amount of damage we are doing to nature. This is nature’s way of getting back at us.
I believe the same. The pandemic’s actually forced us to sit at home and reflect upon what we’ve done all these years. Ironical how nature heals outside as we’re ‘trapped’ inside.
Great information! A fantastic way of looking at the crisis at hand. Thanks for the inspiration!
I firmly believe that only positivity and hope can drive us through these difficult times. And if we can hold onto the positives as a result of the pandemic and learn our lessons to get better in the future, then why not! You’re welcome 🙂
I heard people talk about the improvement of the air in China due to the quarantine. I think it is interesting that something so awful can still have some silver lining.
I know right? Elderly citizens there were seen speaking to reporters saying they hadn’t seen air as pure as the current times since the last 30 years. Tells us so much about where humanity went wrong!
Thanks for your positive outlook. There is always something to be learned from tragedy.
I’m an eternal optimist Cindy. There is always light at the end of the tunnel 🙂
We are trying to stay indoors as much as possible because for us schools are not yet closed so can’t avoid doing the necessary stuff.
If you aren’t experiencing complete lockdown yet, then you’re lucky Pooja. Though the initiative of yours to stay indoors as much as possible is praiseworthy because social distancing is the key to defeating this virus.
I really believe that new businesses and inventions will come as a result of this virus. I am excited to see how the human race progresses during this tough, history-making time.
It does feel like we’re being part of history, doesn’t it? Yes, I agree Pearl that the virus has opened avenues for people to think beyond because desperation/necessity is the mother of innovation and it can’t get any more desperate than today, can it?
I have the same exact thoughts of you! while it is scary and sad there is an improvement to certain areas that were hurting and in much need of healing (our earth for one) and slowing down life to actually be in the present time with people you love (quality time is extremely important and needed). love this post!
Absolutely Eloise, even this pandemic has 2 sides to it. Some of the positives coming out of it do make you think and analyse your behaviour prior to it. Hopefully, we all come out of this episode being more compassionate towards each other and the environment.
the best I have ever read!
You are doing a great job with spreading much-needed positivity in the current depressing climate.
🙂 Congrats!
Very nice and positive post… I just hope we will not ruin it immediately when all this is over. I recently read somewhere that some ecologist are worried – in the sense that, because of all of this, some factories lost profit and when they re-open they will work double just to regain their profit, doubling the pollution… I doubt it will be possible but I share their concerns. I work in tourism, but I’m not a great fan of over-tourism… However, I shared some of my fears recently that some destinations will be over-crowded because when this ends people will want to travel, all at once. And destinations so desperate for profit from tourism that they will not care about over-tourism. It’s one possibility, though, not the only one. Hope these changes will stay…
I fear the same. With people desperately craving to be outdoors, as soon as the virus scare ends, tourism will experience a rocketing boost which might be good for the ailing business but really bad for the environment. People might come back wanting to compensate for lost time, but I hope the lessons learned during this lockdown are remembered. Otherwise, we’re just doomed.
Saying that he virus can be transferred from animals to humans is totally wrong–already such a thing has been clarified and denied by WHO and leading medical specialists. As it is the rumor caused some harassment to pets. Otherwise your feature is very good.
Coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that jump from animals to humans. It is WHO itself who labelled it a zoonotic virus meaning “it transfers from humans to animals”. Also, I don’t know if you’ve been following the news lately but cheetahs have been detected positive with COVID-19 and the epicentre of this whole pandemic is also the Huanan seafood market where it spread from an animal to a human.
While I will be glad when the pandemic is over I must say that I have seen a lot of great things happen and stop happening during the time
I know right? It’s been a mixed bag of positives and negatives. I hope some of the positives sustain for a longer time though.
Ten awesome upsides! If we can grow fingernails in 3 days, imagine what mother nature can do in 3 months! Can’t wait to see.
True that. We’re already seeing how nature’s healing with the water and air quality becoming significantly better and animals having a gala time outdoors!
These are surely some of the advantages of lockdown due to the pandemic. People should be grateful for having enough time with family now and oh my god, I cannot even stress on how wonderful the air feels without pollution.
The pandemic is a curse and a blessing at the same time.