“Zomato fires a delivery guy for eating from the customer’s order”. This is the headline that recently created a furore on all the major media portals in India. The opinions on the issue went from – “he deserved it for his wrongdoing” to viral memes of the guy with the caption “this is what the delivery guy does when you apply TASTY50 discount codes on Zomato”.
Attitude Of The News Channels
Indian news channels went on an overdrive having hour-long debates on the issue. Unfortunately, the face of the delivery guy too was shown in the related news reports.
One channel did it and other channels followed suit because how would it matter now when one from their own family has disclosed the identity of the delivery guy!
What was surprising though, was that the channels which blurred the faces of rapists and terrorists were suddenly displaying the face of the delivery guy.
Valid Questions Asked But Was The Resulting Consequence Fair?
The delivery guy made a mistake. He shouldn’t have tampered with the customer’s order and eaten a portion of their food. What that does is raise valid concerns as to –
- Has this happened before as well, without us knowing?
- Is the food safe for consumption?
- Are we paying money to a corporate for cheating us?
I understand the concerns. The questions are justified from a consumer who’s paying his hard earned money for a quality meal. But are these questions worth firing the delivery guy and snatching his source of livelihood?
Think about it.
Now, not only is this guy struggling for a meal (because hunger is what led him to commit the mistake in the first place) but he’s unemployed too.
Spare a thought for his family members and the hardship they have to go through in a judgemental society like ours.
Then ask yourself a question. Did he deserve this?
Understanding The Current Working Environment Of The Delivery Guys
The delivery guy did whatever he did, out of hunger. But why was he hungry? Why was a man, who delivers food for a living, starving himself?

Let’s understand this with respect to the current scenario :
- The delivery guys are given a target of completing a particular number of orders to get a tip for that day – failing which they don’t get that extra money to survive their families for the month.
- The ticking clock of the food app on your phone, where the company guarantees quick delivery doesn’t help the delivery guy’s cause either.
- Plus with increasing competition between Zomato, Foodpanda, Swiggy and the likes, the window of “rest time” for the delivery guys is further reduced.
- They have to rush from one location to another and in an attempt to deliver your food on time, sometimes they do fail. Sometimes they fail due to traffic, other times due to rain and on rare occasions, due to vehicle breakdown.
- In between all this, they don’t get the time to eat as they’re constantly on the move.
- If they still end up being late, then they apologise to you for a late delivery but always remind you to give a 5 STAR rating for their delivery. Now, why do they ask you for the rating? Because each 5 Star rating makes them eligible for a small incentive from the food delivery company.
This is the pressure which the delivery guys wake up to each day.
They’re overworked, underpaid and starving due to the cut-throat competition from their rival companies. Remember that they have a house to run, a family to feed and some of them are the sole breadwinners in their families.
So looking at the mistake committed and analysing their existing pressure cooker condition, shouldn’t we have displayed empathy and been slightly more compassionate towards the delivery guy?
Possible Solutions – How Can We Ensure This Doesn’t Happen In The Future
A society’s well being and balance is ensured only when the affluent section takes care of the not-so-privileged section. It was heartening to see a few people on social media empathize and feel bad for the delivery guy too.
Here are a few possible solutions that can ensure episodes like these don’t happen in the future –
- Free meals should be given to the delivery guys before they start deliveries for the day. This helps them have enough energy to get through the day. After all, what is the point of organisations promising you timely food deliveries when their own employees are starving?
- The inclusion of “tip for the delivery guy” in the delivery charges that the food apps apply on each home delivery. This way the delivery guy is paid for each order irrespective of the consumers remembering to give him a rating or tipping him themselves.
- Allotting some time to the delivery guys to rest and have a meal between their work shifts – even if it means reducing the number of orders they deliver in a day. This way they’re not in a constant mad rush to deliver as many orders as possible, at the cost of their health.
It’s up to us to ensure that episodes like these don’t end up ruining people’s lives altogether. Yes, a mistake was committed. Yes, a strict lesson should be taught to keep the delivery guys in check. But to publicly shame them for being hungry isn’t justified.
Nobody likes to live in poverty. Nobody chooses to be hungry. Sometimes a benefit of doubt needs to be given, looking at the circumstances under which a certain action is performed.
Because if we are shaming and criminalizing a poor man for succumbing to hunger, then the situation can’t get any sadder. It’s time for us to grow a conscience and practise the art of empathy & compassion.
What do you have to say on the issue? Do let me know in the comments section.
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Oh I felt sad upon reading this news. Companies should offer at least free food for those people who deliver the orders. They should also think about the family of that poor person. I think a warning and punishment for his wrongdoing is acceptable. But firing him really makes me sad. I could not imagine how that person and his family will spend Christmas and New Year together. Will they be able to survive and can that man can find another job? 🙁
Pains to think of it, doesn’t it? Yeah firing him was a bit too harsh in my opinion too. At least consider his financial condition and think about the impact it’d have on his family. I hope he does. Praying that he gets a job somewhere.
I also feel this is more of a moral issue. Of course we all are grossed out that someone possibly could be eating/touching our food but why isn’t the first though that the person might be hungry? At the end of the day anyone using a delivery service for food are able to afford the luxury. I’m not excusing the behavior but more so mortified that he lost his job and was placed on news outlets for this behavior.
True that. People got busy scrutinising him for the mistake rather than understanding why did the mistake happen! Concentrating on the latter can solve the problem on a larger scale but then that’s how social media justice is!
That is really sweet of you to share some insights about something most of us never think of. The delivery boys, The Doorman. I remember dating a guy long time back who took the pizza from the dominos guy free because he was 2 mins late. I was embarrassed to death. And hence he is X;) Loved the post & sentiments behind it.
Maybe it was the temptation of a free meal. I hope you didn’t break up just because of that. And yes, it is difficult being the one to do all the basic work. They most often go unnoticed and unappreciated. Thank you for the read.
I can’t imagine being a delivery person. But I don’t think this guy was in the right. I hope people don’t regular tamper with our orders when they are being delivered.
True that. The last thing you expect after paying your hard earned money for a meal is that someone’s tampered with it.
Wow. What a story. A basic rule of mine is to never name and shame anywhere. Especially in public. However, the delivery guy’s slip is just a cause of what’s behind the scene. Maybe the company hiring him should pay him more.
Yeah because these guys are overworked and underpaid. Something has to give-in in that scenario.
Hi Vaibhav,
It’s unfortunate that many people are in poverty. I also believe that we can make changes if we want it bad enough to get out. Great post!
I personally think the firing was too harsh – as you said, if someone is working a job like this, it’s because they have to to survive, not because they love it. Everyone makes mistakes!
I don’t think we should ever shame someone. Mistakes do happen. In the US, there are tons of delivery people and I always make sure to tip them and say thank you.
Some people should learn the art of empathy from you then. And yes, we’re all prone to mistakes.
I absolutely agree that shaming someone publicly isn’t a workable solution at all! A little compassion is the way to go!
I am speechless and I would prefer not to add my opinion to the matter but may they find a long-term solution (from the ones you listed), to the problem.
This is a really interesting read! I live in a place where we don’t have these services (we live way out in the country) so it’s always interesting to me to talk to my friends who live in cities who use these food delivery apps. I feel bad for the delivery guy, I really do. I think better working hours and free meal per day are the changes that should be implemented.
I hadn’t heard of this story before. It’s definitely unfortunate in many ways, for someone to be so hungry and that it involved stealing.
Hunger and desperation can make a man do absurd things.
Wow, I hadn’t heard about this. Yes, he was very wrong. I always tip the delivery people and expect to receive my food without anyone eating parts of it or touching it. However, I do agree that food workers should be allowed to eat for free at their place.
It was so interesting to read about the life of a delivery guy. Definitely, something I did not expect as I read more into it. Haven’t heard of similar news at our place but I’m sure life’s just as tough for the delivery guys here. A little bit of empathy can go a long way.
This was so very eye opening. I never really thought about people out there starving that deliver food all day long for a living. That would be so tough.
It is. It’s just something minuscule when seen from our privileged positions so we tend to miss out on the details.
I’ve never even thought about this happening to my food before. It breaks my heart to think that he ate it because he was hungry and then was shamed for it publically! I hope he has the strength to move past this.
Great read, I couldn’t stop until I reached the bottom. really grabbed my attention. I agree that the punishment for the delivery guy was too severe and the changes you pointed out- free meal, more time, etc. really seem like good ideas that could help to increase the happiness and wellbeing of the delivery drivers. its seen time and time again that when companies treat their employees with fairness and respect, give them enough to make them happy and make it a good work environment, their workloads increase. not just do employees work better/harder but they enjoy doing it because it benefits the company they love. it goes full circle. companies should put employees like delivery drivers first, especially since they are the face of the company they work for. You wont recognize the CEO of these delivery companies but you will recognize the delivery driver that stops by your home 3 times a week.
Absolutely Nicole. You keep the employees happy and take care of them, & they’ll return the favour working even the extra shift with a smile on their faces. Only if you nurture them will they work for you and work with absolute loyalty.
Being a delivery guy is a hard job. So I always make sure I give a good tip. This will make them feel appreciated because their salaries aren’t huge.
This is terrible! I totally feel for the delivery man, no one should have to go hungry, and he must have been really hungry to have eaten the customers food. I do understand where the customer is coming from, but I don’t think firing him was the answer. I like that you listed out possible solutions for a better outcome. If only the people in charge would listen…
It’s great that you chose this topic to write about… i heard this news the other day in the news and was shocked.. I totally understand that being a delivery guy is a hard job, but having the food that to be delivered is not the solution… I do make sure that I tip them well as they are not paid much 🙂